During their school-age years, children begin developing a stronger sense of independence.
Relationships with adult figures in their lives (parents/caregivers, teachers, etc.) remain the most significant and meaningful, but peer relationships grow in importance. School-age children continue to learn how to identify and express their needs, feelings, and desires appropriately. As they become more aware of their bodies, they are learning about self-regulation, body image, and more complex relationships with others.
You support your child’s social and emotional well-being by providing a safe, respectful environment and modeling healthy social/emotional practices in your own life. The things your child learns from you about relating to others and themselves contribute to their emotional, relational, and academic success for the rest of their life.
For more information and resources regarding your child’s social and emotional development, visit the links below:
- Social-Emotional Development in School-Age Children
- Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Parents
- The Emotional Lives of 8-10 Year Olds